The 'Grate' Art of Translation
Does PARMESAN, as a cheese description, translate to mean PARMIGIANO REGGIANO?The New...
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Does PARMESAN, as a cheese description, translate to mean PARMIGIANO REGGIANO?The New...
A recent decision of Assistant Commissioner Wendy Aldred, in the Intellectual Property...
The judgment in the SkyKick case before the Supreme Court has been a long time coming.
Inspection of your Company’s Records by the Companies Office: Are You Prepared? The...
The Commerce Commission has announced charges are coming down the pike for the famously...
In a recent Intellectual Property office of New Zealand (IPONZ) opposition decision...
Santana Minerals Limited A recent ASXannouncementon 5 September 2024 from Australian and...
MoranLawwelcomesJohn Hackett!We are excited to announce that John Hackett has joined...
Upcoming Fee Changes at IP Australia Effective 1 October 2024
Leighton spent an amazing weekend in Russell, Bay of Islands for the Rugby For Life XV v...